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Energy Conservation Consultancy

Environmental caretaking is often addressed as Global warming and minimizing energy from fossil fuel. In GCC it especially seen as renewable energy sourcing from Solar panels. This makes good sense! Science has proved that the most effectivity of the sun’s radiation can be utilized in an area going from the Iranian mountains in East to Egypt in West, Kuwait is in the very middle of this. However, if we change our cultural habits we can also reduce or energy consumption. 50 years ago, only 20 % of all houses had Air Condition! People were capable to walk with the caravans during the summer. With Education, we can improve the world, with knowledge we ca improve the Environment. With our passion and commitment, we can save our world from environmental disaster! Vibenholt Consultancy bring the solutions for reduce energy consumption, not only talks. The persistency what comes with sustainable project, we have shown that it is possible.

The culture habits have to change based on the knowledge that:

Burning fuel makes the air pollution

Fossil fuel is exploited in a none environmentally friendly process, this cause Global Warming.

Burning fuel makes the air pollution

Transportation is one of the biggest contributors to air pollution, thus let the engine run just for the A/C is bad for the environment and cause Global Warming

Burning fuel makes the air pollution

In Kuwait we produce 90% of our electricity by burning fuel, thus using too much electrical power is bad for the environment and cause Global Warming. 70 % of the CO2 emission comes from the energy consumption in our buildings

Burning fuel makes the air pollution

In Kuwait we have extremely little underground water, by far the most water is produced by desalination for the electricity production, thus using WATER generate consumption of power, thus is bad for the environment and cause Global Warming.

Vibenholt consultancy guide and advice how are where we can save and minimize our use of utilities, water, power and fuel